Life Finds A Way

That is the saying on my favorite t-shirt. Yes, it is my Jurassic Park shirt, but still- it rings so true these days. Today, I choose to use it as an inspiration. Life lately has been filled with anxiety and nervous breakdowns. Self doubt about what I can do for a job has caused untold amounts of stress (thanks, TBI. Preciate that so much… NOT.)

Combing the job boards this morning, I started to hyperventilate yet again. I had to stop, walk away, and take a seriously hard look at the anxiety- what was the trigger, what did my (not overly reliable) gut have to say, and what might be some alternative ways to ease the anxiety and bring in income.

That is the bare root of it- income.

Physical and mental limitations have become a significant issue. Deep in my heart, my biggest goal is to be home with my family. Unlike many of the modern families today, I actually LIKE my kids, and love my husband- being with them, spending time with them, is the highlight of my day. My husband is also about the only one who can help me work through all the mess in my head, calming things down.

Simply the idea of going out, to a new location, DRIVING there, learning new people, new job tasks, new surroundings, brings about heart palpitations. The TBI induced brain fog increases, and there have been more than one day/ night lately where I shake and cry at the drop of a hat.

Solution? Time to take a step back, and see what skills I still somewhat have, dust them off and see where it may lead. As I mentioned, income is the name of the game. If I can produce pieces for freelance writing, the anxiety just might ease up a bit.

Wish me luck, y’all. Now… I just have to remember what the idea for a piece was I just had, and get it written down!


Momma Bear

One thought on “Life Finds A Way

  1. Ah so good to see you back in blog land!
    The thing that helps me most when I get all befuddled about something is to pray. I know that God has plans for everyone which includes both suffering and joy, and that trusting in Him means letting go of what ever it is that has me upset. But it sure helps when you have a support system at home. Sending blessings and prayers your way!


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